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For a limited time, you can be first on the list to receive these brand new products currently in production. $99 will reserve your spot and secure your product. This fee will apply directly to the cost of the product on launch, and is fully refundable if you change your mind at any time.
Load job site dumpsters faster, safer, cleaner, and with less labor.
This innovative product allows for debris disposal from wheelbarrow to dumpster with no manual labor. Using either rechargeable batteries or 110v power, LoadRunner is a safer and cleaner way to maintain a job site, all with no overhead lifting.
Simply load the wheelbarrow full of debris, guide it onto the track, and the wheelbarrow is lifted allowing the debris to fall into the dumpster. The empty wheelbarrow is returned to the ground ready to be loaded again.
LoadRunner works with any trailer or dumpster, allowing more efficient use of space.